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Tom Brady: I didn't celebrate Jimmy Garoppolo trade

The New England Patriots continue to dispute the report of discord within the organization.

Speaking on WEEI on Tuesday, quarterback Tom Brady took issue with the ESPN report, which cited unnamed sources, claiming he was "liberated" following the Patriots' trade of Jimmy Garoppolo to the San Francisco 49ers.

"I think that is such a poor characterization," Brady said. "In 18 years, I have never celebrated when someone has been traded, been cut. I would say that is disappointing to hear that someone would express that, or a writer would express that because it is so far from what my beliefs are about my teammates and I think I am very empathetic about other people's experiences. I know those situations aren't easy.

"I have never been traded or released, but I can imagine how that might feel. I would never feel that way when Jimmy got traded, or Jacoby [Brissett] got traded. I have kept in touch with all those guys. When Matt Cassel was gone -- all these guys I've worked with. I feel like I have had such great relationships with all the quarterbacks I have worked with. I have kept in touch with basically everybody. To characterize that as a certain way is just completely wrong."

Brady's full interview with WEEI disputes much of the ESPN report. Those comments came on the heels of both coach Bill Belichick and owner Robert Kraft taking issues with the report that detailed supposed tension within the organization.

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